8 Important benefits of veganism

Here are 8 important benefits of veganism:

  1. Mental Clarity: Since becoming a vegan my mind is strong and my thinking is clear. For someone who has struggled with anxiety and sometimes even depression, I have been granted a sense of peace that is unmatched. Research shows that people that eat a plant-based diet tend to experience better mental and emotional health including less anger, tension, anxiety, depression, and tiredness. Removing animal products from a diet will automatically abstain one from all the stress hormones produced by the animal during the slaughtering process. Vegans are happier!
  2. Improved Health: Although my physical health was really good before becoming a vegan, I can’t deny that my health is exceptional now. Eating a vegan diet has so many beneficial factors. For starters, it lowers the risk of cancers, and it has contributed to the reversal of many health conditions, such as high blood pressure, muscular degeneration, arthritis and diabetes. A diet free from meat and dairy products is likely to contain a lot less saturated fat which is related to increased cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease. Vegans tend to experience a better quality of life free from disease and pain associated with those that eat animal flesh and animal-based products. It is proven that plant-based diets are often more effective than medication and surgery when it comes to healing illnesses and diseases. 
  3. More Energy: Most vegans report feeling vibrant and full of youthful energy. Meat and dairy products are harder to digest and use way more energy while processing food. I’ve noticed my own energy levels skyrocket since becoming a vegan. I feel perfectly energetic, and very seldom do I experience days when I am not. Perhaps higher energy levels can be attributed to higher consumption of carbohydrates, perhaps higher energy levels can be attributed to fruits, veggies, and low saturated fat intake, perhaps it is a combination of all. Whatever the reason for the surge of energy is in vegans, it is true that people who eat plant-based diets are more likely to obtain the essential vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that the body needs to operate at its maximum potential.
  4. Yummy Food: Quite contrary to popular belief vegan food is deliciously tasty. The herbs, spices, and vegetables used to prepare vegan dishes offer a blend of flavor-filled delectableness. I consider myself a vegan foodie, and I can attest that vegan food is by far the tastiest food. I AM NOT BEING BIASED! Did you know that there are over 20,000 species of edible plants? Now try to guess how many have been introduced to our diets; only about 150 or so and we’ve probably not even tried half of them. It is the time that we broaden our food horizon and let our taste buds do the talking. With that being said, vegans tend to be more creative in the kitchen. We explore recipes and because of this, the menu for vegans is endless. There is nothing that a vegan can’t recreate! I live for a good ole vegan gyro. The bonus is, it’s healthier and no animals were harmed to make it!
  5. Slimmer Body; Sexier You: If you are looking to shed a few pounds, the vegan diet is the way to go. As I’ve already shared, I lost 20lbs becoming a vegan. Vegans consume fewer calories as a result of not eating a diet that contains high amounts of saturated fats. On average, vegans are 20 pounds lighter than meat eaters, and unlike many weight loss diets, the pounds shed, usually stays off. Most vegans noticeably have healthy skin, hair, and nails. Vitamins A and E obtained from fruits, nuts and vegetables contribute to glowy skin and optimal health. Eliminating dairy and meat from the diet significantly reduces odor as well. Vegans frequently report having a reduction in bad breath and body odor.
  6. Easier Moon Cycles (periods): Many vegan women (including myself) report having lighter menstrual cycles, less cramping, fewer mood swings and decreased bloating. Ladies, need I say more?
  7. Vegan For The Animals and For The Universe:  A plant-based diet only requires a small portion (⅓) of the land needed to support a meat and dairy diet. Most animals such as dairy cows and other livestock live in inhumane conditions. Research shows that every vegan saves more than 100 animals a year. Eating meat hurts the animals but eating meat hurts people too. All the crops and water used to raise farm animals for consumption would be put to better use if it were used to combat hunger. 
  8. In Tune With Nature: There is definitely a shift in consciousness that takes place when we eat life (plants). We feel more alive, happier and more aware of the fact that every living thing is just as important as the next. Meat consumption brings out negative qualities like fear, anger, anxiety, and aggressiveness. Most of these qualities and emotions can be attributed to the emotions and qualities experienced by the animal on its way to be slaughtered. If we are eating a plant-based diet, we tend to vibrate on a higher frequency. We not only become more in tune with ourselves, we also become more in tune with everything and everyone around us. We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat”. Why not eat life?


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